Sadhana of Mahamudra [Online]

April 23rd—September 17th

Date details +


    Every two or three weeks (it’s noted in the calendar), we do an online practice called the Sadhana of Mahamudra. This practice is about an hour long, and involves reading aloud (in English) a sadhana or text, which was written by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche in 1968 while on retreat in Bhutan. It is practiced by Shambhala Centers worldwide around the time of the new and full moons. This practice is a means by which we can rouse our devotion and inspiration to practice, and thereby connect with the power and blessings of the past Kagyü and Nyingma lineage holders. The practice consists of meditation and chants, and lasts about an hour.  A brief story of the Sadhana of Mahamudra can be found here. Everyone is welcome to attend.

    If you are inspired to make a one-time donation to the Seattle Shambhala Center you may give to the General Fund here.

    Join here:

    New to Zoom? For a quicker entry to the program, download the free software here. If you do not have the software you will be asked to download it when you click the link to join above. It’s best to download and test Zoom before the session

    Technical Advice and Decorum Notes: 

    • Your camera will be turned on and your audio will be off when you enter Zoom. This is the best setting for group chanting, where only the practice leader will have their microphone on. 
    • If you are using your smartphone or similar device, use reliable wifi rather than your data plan (unless data is more reliable for you).
    • Use video and plan to be seen by others – if possible. This helps create a sense of community. 
    • If you have weak wifi/data, turning video off will help. 
    • Put your screen/camera at eye level so you can sit in an upright yet relaxed manner.
    • Treat the call as you would the shrine room: for example, plan not to get up and get water during the practice.
    • Eliminate technical distractions by closing other programs on your computer, disabling notifications and turning your phone off
    • Sit in a room where you can close the door; if that’s not possible, please ask those in your home to give you space for the duration of the session.
    • Be open to the possibility of intimacy and community at a distance!


    Questions? Contact Sadhana of Mahamudra Coordinator, Mark Helsel.