Volunteer: Meditation in Action

Meditation in Action is a form of practice off the cushion. It can be a practice of generosity, where we may be generous with the desire for some return. However the act of generosity has a way of automatically giving back, when we open to that possibility. So, we practice without any desire for gain. Our daily lives, our family, jobs, and our center offer us countless opportunities to practice off the cushion. Let’s be generous to ourselves and the center, discover for yourself how the energy that you extend to the health of the center comes back to you. What is your heart’s desire for the expression of your generosity? Let me know at [email protected].


How do I get involved in the Center?

Whether you are new to our center or a long time member, we offer many opportunities to practice generosity “off the cushion”. It all depends on what is your heart’s desire, what will inspire your practice. There is no pressure to be actively involved at Seattle Shambhala Center. Offer your generosity only when you feel comfortable here and recognize the value that we offer.

Probably the easiest way to become involved with your center is our in person Open House on Sunday. If you were intending to meditate anyway, you would simply arrive early, about 9:00 and contact the “host”. Before people arrive, a light breakfast is set out and coffee is made. Then you would be free to sit and engage in the discussion if you wish. Later, you could help with the clean-up, about 30 minutes.

You could say that your center has been asleep for a couple of years from the pandemic. This is a very exciting time for us, as we reopen and restart our activities. Opportunities for meditation in action abound. Consider your interests or skills that you could offer.

Facilities Upkeep – Sam Taylor at [email protected] 

Gardening & Grounds Upkeep – Claire Oravec at [email protected]


Community Engagement with Meditation in Action

Awake in Action! – Join our Awake in Action volunteer team once a month and uplift the lives of residents of the Union Hotel, a part of Downtown Emergency Services for formerly unhoused people. To learn more, contact Sandra Noel at [email protected] or Stacy Hall de Gomez at [email protected].

Sunday Morning Open House – There are more opportunities offered at Open House Sundays that do require some training and prerequisites.  These positions are scheduled ahead of time with Susie Saalwaechter at [email protected].

  • Meditation Instructor – Meditation instruction.
  • Host – Welcomes everyone, offers information and makes announcements (open to all volunteers, training available)
  • Umdze or time keeper during meditation – (open to all volunteers, training available)
  • Discussion leader – often an MI or teacher

– Japanese flower arranging. You have probably noticed the beautiful flower arrangements around the center. This is a wonderful practice that is available to everyone. Absolutely no experience is needed. Arrangements for the center are created on Saturdays. Contact Dan Peterson  [email protected]. 

Programs – As you engage further in Shambhala training you will be offered opportunities to staff Shambhala levels and coordinate programs. For more information contact co-director Rick Meyers and Samuel Taylor at [email protected]

For any other question or concernss, feel free to contact Rick Meyers, Center Director at [email protected].


Additional Resources

Seattle Shambhala Board of Directors 
[email protected]

Center Directors – Rick Meyers and Samuel Taylor  [email protected]    

Finance Manager – Meli-Tashi Happy  [email protected]

Membership Coordinator – Samuel Taylor  [email protected]

Practice and Education – Rick Meyers and Samuel Taylor [email protected]  

Practice and Education Administrator – Meli-Tashi Happy  [email protected]