Heart of Recovery [Hybrid]

September 18th

Date details +

    Meditation for People in Recovery

    Join us in-person or online Every Wednesday evening from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

    The Heart of Recovery is a group meeting focused on sharing support while bringing together contemplative practice and a commitment to recovery to addictions of all kinds. Newcomers will learn basic meditation techniques to enhance, not replace, their own recovery program in a familiar and comfortable environment. Experienced meditators will discover new ways to deepen their current practice while supporting the group.

    Meeting format includes:

    • Sitting meditation practice
    • A topic offering in the form of brief comments or a reading by the night’s facilitator
    • Discussion and exploration by group members
    • Sharing our personal experience, strength, and hope
    • Dedication of merit

    Open to all who are:

    • Buddhist practitioners from any tradition
    • 12 Step practitioners from any program
    • Individuals interested in exploring the relationship of meditation to recovery from addiction and addictive behaviors

    Occasionally there may be a change in the schedule so it’s always good to check the calendar to be sure we are meeting on any given Wednesday.

    Anyone in Seattle is welcome to come join us in-person at the center. In order to attend, we ask that you be vaccinated and wear masks indoors. 

    For online meeting access information please contact

    [email protected]

    The meeting is free to attend, but we ask for a donation of any size to help cover rent.

    Seattle Shambhala takes your safety seriously and has implemented security protocols to help protect our community on Zoom calls. 

    New to Zoom? For a quicker entry to the program, download the free software here. If you do not have the software you will be asked to download it when you click the link to join above. You do not need to download any software to dial in by phone. 

    Technical Advice and Decorum Notes: 

    • In order to create smoother virtual arrivals, your camera and audio will be turned off when you enter Zoom. Once you are settled, you can turn your camera on. During the discussion, we ask that you stay muted until you’d like to speak. 
    • If possible, get and use a headset with headphones + microphone (this is helpful, but not required).
    • If you are using your smartphone or similar device, use reliable wifi rather than your data plan (unless data is more reliable for you).
    • Use video and plan to be seen by others (not just audio) - if possible. If you have weak wifi/data, turning video off will help. 
    • Put your screen/camera at eye level so you can sit up straight and not hunch over.
    • Treat the call as you would the shrine room: for example, plan not to get up and get water during the instruction and practice.
    • Sit in a room where you can close the door; if that's not possible, please ask those in your home to give you space for the duration of the session.
    • Be open to the possibility of intimacy and community at a distance!


    Questions? Reach out to us at [email protected] for technical assistance or program questions. For questions about meeting access information or for the program content or group in general, please contact [email protected]