Tuesday Online Practice
Join us for meditation and discussion in an online format every Tuesday evening. Everyone is welcome. Perfect for beginners and established meditators.
Just click on the Zoom link below to join the online meeting from your device.
Mindfulness-awareness meditation is the foundation of all that we do at Seattle Shambhala Meditation Center. This ancient practice of self-discovery is rooted in the simple but revolutionary premise that every human being has the ability to cultivate the mind’s inherent stability, clarity and strength in order to be more awake and to develop the compassion and insight necessary to care for oneself and the world genuinely.
On-going series on Tuesday evenings:
- 6:45 – 7:00 pm Brief meditation instruction for first time visitors
- 7:00 – 8:00 pm Meditation
- 8:00 – 8:30 pm Talk and discussion
- 8:30 – 8:45 pm Social time
Join here: https://zoom.us/j/276413147
Join by phone: +1 253 215 8782, Meeting ID: 276 413 147 (note: Dial in participants will only be able to receive and broadcast audio).
Every first Tuesday of the month we offer “Meditation 101” where detailed meditation instruction will be given to the entire group, including a question and answer period. This is perfect for those who are new to meditation and for first time visitors.
Note that occasionally there may be a change in the schedule — so it’s always good to check the calendar before you come, to be sure we are meeting on any given Tuesday.
This offering is free of cost. Donations are appreciated and help us offer meditation and community support during this time. Suggested donation is $10 for the evening. To donate online or for instructions on donating by check, click on the ‘donate’ button below.
New to Zoom? For a quicker entry to the program, download the free software here. If you do not have the software you will be asked to download it when you click the link to join above. It’s best to download and test Zoom before the session. You do not need to download any software to dial in by phone.
Technical Advice and Decorum Notes:
- In order to create smoother virtual arrivals, your camera and audio will be turned off when you enter Zoom. Once you are settled, you can turn your camera on. During the discussion, we ask that you stay muted until you’d like to speak.
- If possible, get and use a headset with headphones + microphone (this is helpful, but not required).
- If you are using your smartphone or similar device, use reliable wifi rather than your data plan (unless data is more reliable for you).
- Use video and plan to be seen by others (not just audio) – if possible. If you have weak wifi/data, turning video off will help.
- Put your screen/camera at eye level so you can sit up straight and not hunch over.
- Treat the call as you would the shrine room: for example, plan not to get up and get water during the instruction and practice.
- Sit in a room where you can close the door; if that’s not possible, please ask those in your home to give you space for the duration of the session.
- Be open to the possibility of intimacy and community at a distance!