Shambhala Training: Level II - Birth of the Warrior [In-Person]

with Natalie Pascale Boisseau

January 17th—January 19th (2025)

Date details +
  • $108 Program Price
  • $149 Patron Price
  • $54.00 Repeat
  • Pay what you can afford (enter amount in registration)


Shambhala Training: Level II: Birth of the Warrior

An In-Person Weekend Retreat at the Seattle Shambhala Center

Examine your fears and habitual patterns by training the mind to meet challenging moments with courage and confidence. Birth of a Warrior: Shambhala Training Level II builds on the foundation of the meditation practice that was introduced in Shambhala Level I and explores how habitual ways of thinking, termed "cocoon" in Shambhala Training, obscure the raw brilliance of ourselves and the world we live in.

By opening to our own genuineness and tenderness, we learn how to work with fear to cultivate the willingness to see our deep-seated habits and defenses. This weekend program intensifies the discipline of meditation practice, which enables us to begin seeing through obscurations of habitual patterns that we have created over time.

This program is offered in-person on Friday January 17th from 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM, and Saturday January 18th and Sunday January 19th from 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM. From 8:30 - 9:00 AM a light breakfast and coffee/tea will be served. Program begins promptly at 9:00 AM. Participants are invited to bring their own lunch or eat out both days. On Sunday, the program will conclude with a celebratory reception.


About the Teacher:

Natalie-Pascale Boisseau is a meditation student of Shambhala Buddhism for thirty-four years, starting in Montreal and in Seattle since 1994. She is a meditation instructor and teacher for both Buddhist studies and Shambhala training. She is a writer and facilitates contemplative writing practice, as well as being a healer in the tradition of Japanese acupuncture and meridian therapy. She has completed graduate studies in contemplative psychology and is a teacher - and continued student - with the Right Use of Power Institute.


PrerequisitesShambhala Training: Level I - The Art of Being Human

Price: $108 Regular, $149 Patron, or Pay an amount you can afford. Repeat program price is $54. Enter the amount in the Pay what you can afford payment option.

Location: In-Person at Seattle Shambhala Center, 3107 E Harrison Street, Seattle

Our Generosity Policy: We have a generosity policy to make our offerings available to all who wish to participate. If the program price is an obstacle for you, please consider what works for you, and offer as much of the program fee as you can. For those who can offer more than the program price, we have a "patron price". Your generosity in offering the patron price helps cover the costs for others who are not able to pay the full price.

Registration: When registering, you'll have the opportunity to pay online through PayPal (or by credit card), which greatly simplifies the process for us. For further details, see our Program Policies and FAQs page.

Questions? Please write to us at [email protected].